Work needed to be done on the tables and the MOC for Brick Live London. On this note, I decided to change up area 51 and the train yard. I changed the backdrop to area 51 so that it was more structurally sound and easy to transport.

I moved it from the back of the city to the same space as the airport. Changed a few bit around and marked where bits went with plant and stone bricks. This keeps all the aircraft in one area.

The next headache was the layout of the track at the back of the train yard. As I am using the 9-volt system I can’t use the Flexi track. For some reason, the track is no positioning right. I don’t know if it is connecting wrong at one section and then this snowballs on round to the other end of the track. After a lot of debate, I got what I think is my best option for the small space that I have. Only time will tell.


Yes Bradleyville, well, part of Bradleyville will be at Brick Live London. Excited and nervous. Excited as this is all new to me and what most AFOL want to get to. Nervous as this is a steep learning curve, I’m in at the deep end and are my MOC’s good enough.

I’d took the plunge a few weeks back and submitted to display at Belfast Brick Live Show. The guys said why not try the other shows, I’m busy with the other dates but London suited. So as most of my MOC’s are still work in progress at 99% I was optimistic. But they seemed to like them. Time to get the finger out and get them 100% complete.

I’m taking Area 51, Car Park, Hillside, Wayne Tower and Lord Business Tower. As I’d never intended in removing them they are all going to need a little adjustment for travel and display.  I’ve been asking some other ADOF about travel procedures and tips. Bubble wrap seems to be the answer.

The show is 27th-30th July. Now to work on the MOC’s and Travel arrangements. I will be posting updates on the MOCS on